
Provides an SPI to allow different scalar datatypes to be marshalled to and from GraphQL scalar types.

The implementations are called following a chain-of-responsibility pattern, first one matching is used. Use jakarta.annotation.Priority (with org.apache.causeway.applib.annotation.PriorityPrecedence values) to override the framework-provided defaults, earliest wins.

interface ScalarMarshaller<K> {
  boolean handles(Class<?> javaClass)     (1)
  GraphQLScalarType getGqlScalarType()     (2)
  K unmarshal(Object graphValue, Class<?> targetType)     (3)
1 handles(Class)

Whether this marshaller is able to marshall/unmarshall the provided Java class.

2 getGqlScalarType()

The corresponding GraphQL scalar type for the Java-class.

3 unmarshal(Object, Class)

Unmarshal the provided graphQL value into its Java equivalent.



Whether this marshaller is able to marshall/unmarshall the provided Java class.


The corresponding GraphQL scalar type for the Java-class.

unmarshal(Object, Class)

Unmarshal the provided graphQL value into its Java equivalent.