
Modifies the way in which an asynchronous action initiated through the WrapperFactory is actually executed.

Executing in a separate thread means that the target and arguments are used in a new (and transaction). If any of these are entities, they are retrieved from the database afresh; it isn’t possible to pass domain entity references from the foreground calling thread to the background threads.

class AsyncControl<R> {
  AsyncControl<Void> returningVoid()     (1)
  AsyncControl<X> returning(Class<X> cls)     (2)
  AsyncControl<R> withSkipRules()     (3)
  AsyncControl<R> with(ExceptionHandler exceptionHandler)     (4)
  AsyncControl<R> with(ExecutorService executorService)     (5)
  AsyncControl<R> withClock(VirtualClock clock)
  AsyncControl<R> withLocale(Locale locale)
  AsyncControl<R> withTimeZone(ZoneId timeZone)
  AsyncControl<R> withUser(UserMemento user)     (6)
  void setFuture(Future<R> future)     (7)
  R waitForResult(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)     (8)
1 returningVoid()

Factory method to instantiate a control instance for a void action or a property edit (where there is no need or intention to provide a return value through the Future).

2 returning(Class)

Factory method to instantiate for a control instance for an action returning a value of ` (where this value will be returned through the `Future).

3 withSkipRules()

Skip checking business rules (hide/disable/validate) before executing the underlying property or action

4 with(ExceptionHandler)

How to handle exceptions if they occur, using the provided ExceptionHandler .

5 with(ExecutorService)

Specifies the ExecutorService to use to obtain the thread to invoke the action.

6 withUser(UserMemento)

Specifies the user for the session used to execute the command asynchronously, in the background.

7 setFuture(Future)

For framework use only.

8 waitForResult(long, TimeUnit)

Waits on the callers thread, for a maximum amount of time, for the result of the invocation to become available.



Factory method to instantiate a control instance for a void action or a property edit (where there is no need or intention to provide a return value through the Future).


Factory method to instantiate for a control instance for an action returning a value of ` (where this value will be returned through the `Future).


Skip checking business rules (hide/disable/validate) before executing the underlying property or action


How to handle exceptions if they occur, using the provided ExceptionHandler .

The default behaviour is to rethrow the exception.


Specifies the ExecutorService to use to obtain the thread to invoke the action.

The default is null , indicating, that its the WrapperFactory 's responsibility to provide a suitable ExecutorService .


Specifies the user for the session used to execute the command asynchronously, in the background.

If not specified, then the user of the current foreground session is used.


For framework use only.

waitForResult(long, TimeUnit)

Waits on the callers thread, for a maximum amount of time, for the result of the invocation to become available.