
Defines an SPI to attempt to convert a Spring Authentication into an Apache Causeway UserMemento .

The Authentication will have already been verified as having been Authentication#isAuthenticated() authenticated .

Implementations should be defined as Spring Component s and added to the Configuration application context either by being Import imported explicitly or implicitly through ComponentScan .

All known converters are checked one by one, but checking stops once one converter has successively converted the Authentication into a UserMemento (in other words, chain-of-responsibility pattern). Use the jakarta.annotation.Priority annotation to influence the order in which converter implementations are checked.

interface AuthenticationConverter {
  UserMemento convert(Authentication authentication)     (1)
1 convert(Authentication)

Attempt to convert a Spring Authentication (which will have been Authentication#isAuthenticated() authenticated ) into a UserMemento .



Attempt to convert a Spring Authentication (which will have been Authentication#isAuthenticated() authenticated ) into a UserMemento .

There are many different implementations of Authentication , so the implementation should be targeted at a specific implementation.

The framework provides some default implementations for the most common use cases.