
As used by EntityChangesSubscriber , provides metrics on the "footprint" of an interaction, in other words the number of objects accessed or changed.

The numbers of objects loaded, created, updated or deleted and the number of object properties modified (in other words the "size" or "weight" of the transaction).


interface EntityChanges {
  UUID getInteractionId()     (1)
  int getSequence()     (2)
  String getUsername()     (3)
  Timestamp getCompletedAt()     (4)
  int getNumberLoaded()     (5)
  int getNumberCreated()     (6)
  int getNumberUpdated()     (7)
  int getNumberDeleted()     (8)
  int getNumberPropertiesModified()     (9)
  ChangesDto getDto()     (10)
1 getInteractionId()

inherited from HasInteractionIdAndSequence and transitively from HasInteractionId , correlates back to the unique identifier of the org.apache.causeway.applib.services.iactn.Interaction in which these objects were changed.

2 getSequence()

inherited from HasInteractionIdAndSequence , with #getInteractionId() it identifies the transaction within the org.apache.causeway.applib.services.iactn.Interaction in which these objects were changed.

3 getUsername()

Inherited from HasUsername , is the user that initiated the transaction causing these objects to change.

4 getCompletedAt()

Time that the interaction execution completed

5 getNumberLoaded()

Number of domain objects loaded in this interaction

6 getNumberCreated()

Number of domain objects created in this interaction

7 getNumberUpdated()

Number of domain objects updated in this interaction

8 getNumberDeleted()

Number of domain objects deleted in this interaction

9 getNumberPropertiesModified()

Number of domain objects properties that were changed in this interaction

10 getDto()

Same details, but as an an instance of ChangesDto .



inherited from HasInteractionIdAndSequence and transitively from HasInteractionId , correlates back to the unique identifier of the org.apache.causeway.applib.services.iactn.Interaction in which these objects were changed.


inherited from HasInteractionIdAndSequence , with #getInteractionId() it identifies the transaction within the org.apache.causeway.applib.services.iactn.Interaction in which these objects were changed.


Inherited from HasUsername , is the user that initiated the transaction causing these objects to change.


Time that the interaction execution completed


Number of domain objects loaded in this interaction


Number of domain objects created in this interaction


Number of domain objects updated in this interaction


Number of domain objects deleted in this interaction


Number of domain objects properties that were changed in this interaction


Same details, but as an an instance of ChangesDto .

This can be converted into a serializable XML representation using the org.apache.causeway.applib.util.schema.ChangesDtoUtils utility class.