
Responsible for returning a MenuBarsService instance, a data structure representing the arrangement of domain service actions across multiple menu bars, menus and sections.

This is used by the Wicket viewer to build up the menu. It is also served as the "menuBars" resource by the Restful Objects viewer.

interface MenuBarsService {
  MenuBars menuBars()     (1)
  MenuBars menuBars(Type type)     (2)
  MenuBarsMarshallerService<? extends MenuBars> marshaller()
  MenuBarsService forTesting()
1 menuBars()

Returns #menuBars() with a type of Type#DEFAULT .

2 menuBars(Type)

Returns the menu bars with the requested Type .


Returns #menuBars() with a type of Type#DEFAULT .

Returns the menu bars with the requested Type .


The framework provides a default implementation of this service, namely

This uses the MenuBarsLoaderService to load a serialized form of MenuBars instance, called menubars.layout.xml, from the classpath.