
Optional SPI service providing the ability to record errors occurring in the application into an external incident recording system (such as JIRA) and to provide a user-friendly (jargon-free) error message to the end-user, along with incident reference.

The Ticket object returned by this service contains a number of elements:

  • a user-friendly (jargon-free) error message to be returned and rendered to the end-user

  • an optional incident reference (eg a JIRA issue XXX-1234).

a URL for an external image. For example, this could be to a comic strip or (as a bit of fun) a picture of a random kitten. * missing listitem text

The information this object can then be sed by the configured viewer, rendered whenever an error occurs. At the time of writing this is supported by the Wicket viewer.

interface ErrorReportingService {
  Ticket reportError(ErrorDetails errorDetails)


This is an SPI. The framework provides no default implementations, but an example implementation can be found in the reference app.

See also: