Updating the Website

To page describes how to update the website between releases.

As part of the release process we generate and publish the website. <<<<<<< HEAD An (intentional) side-effect of this process is to create a branch for the release (that is, {page-causewayrelv3}). This branch can then be used for documentation updates.

An (intentional) side-effect of this process is to create a branch for the release (that is, {page-causewayprevv2} or `{page-causewayprevv3}). >>>>>>> refs/remotes/origin/master

If we need to make a change:

  • make the change on master as normal (so that the docs will be there for the next release)

  • cherry-pick the changes onto these documentation branches.

Then publish as per the main release process:

<<<<<<< HEAD In the regular causeway repo:

  • Check out the branch:

    git checkout {page-causewayrelv3}
  • make documentation updates, and commit changes

  • make sure the tooling is built:

    #TODO this is outdated info
    mvn -D module-tooling -D skip.essential install -DskipTests
  • generate the website:

    sh preview.sh

    This now runs updates the config properties automatically (unless suppressed by a flag)

    mvn clean install -pl core/config

This updated website is written to antora/target/site; we’ll use the results in the next section.

Prereqs (software and doc tooling) are summarised in Appendix: Release Prereqs.