Cutting a Release

The release process consists of:

  • the release manager cutting the release (documented below)

  • Members of the Apache Causeway PMC verifying and voting on the release

  • the release manager performing post-release tasks, for either a successful or an unsuccessful vote.

Apache Causeway itself is released in one go, everything is ultimately a child of bom/pom.xml (relative to the source code root). This section details the process for formally releasing this module.

The subsequent sections describe how other committers can verify a release and how the release manager can then perform post-release activities and set up for the next development iteration.

If you’ve not performed a release before, then note that there are some configuration prerequisites that must be configured first. In particular, you’ll need signed public/private keys, and the ASF Nexus staging repo inlocal ~/.m2/settings.xml file.

These release notes using bash command line tools. They should work on Linux and MacOS; for Windows, use mSysGit.


The release process should be performed on Java 17.

The deploy process has been tested only with gpg 2.0.x ; you may need to adjust if using a later version.

Obtain Consensus

Before releasing the framework, ensure there is consensus on the dev mailing list that this is the right time for a release. The discussion should include confirming the version number to be used, and to confirm content.

These discussions should also confirm the version number of the module being released. This should be in line with our semantic versioning policy.

Make sure you have a JIRA ticket open against which to perform all commits. In most cases a JIRA ticket will have been created at the beginning of the previous release cycle.

Pull down code to release

Set the HEAD of your local git repo to the commit to be released. This will usually be the tip of the origin’s master branch:

git checkout master
git pull --ff-only
if multiple branches are being supported, then repeat the process on other branches independently. Each branch’s release should be a separate vote. However, the website should be generated referencing all appropriate releases.

License headers

The Apache Release Audit Tool RAT (from the Apache Creadur project) checks for missing license header files. The parent pom.xml of each releasable module specifies the RAT Maven plugin, with a number of custom exclusions.

We run the tool runs over all submodules, including non-released modules. To run the RAT tool, use:

find unapproved/missing licenses
pushd bom
mvnd -Dapache-release clean
mvnd -Dapache-release org.apache.rat:apache-rat-plugin:check -D rat.numUnapprovedLicenses=1000     (1)

for a in `/bin/find . -name rat.txt -print`; do grep '!???' $a; done > /tmp/rat-qn.txt            (2)
for a in `/bin/find . -name rat.txt -print`; do grep '!AL' $a; done > /tmp/rat-al.txt            (2)

cat /tmp/rat-qn.txt
cat /tmp/rat-al.txt
1 The command writes out a target\rat.txt for each submodule. missing license notes are indicated using the key !???.
2 Collates all the errors.

Inspect the contents of the two /tmp/rat-*.txt files and fix any reported violations, typically by either:

  • adding genuinely missing license headers from Java (or other) source files, or

  • updating the <excludes> element for the apache-rat-plugin plugin to ignore test files, log files and any other non-source code files

Also, look to remove any stale <exclude> entries

Once you’ve fixed all issues, run the script again to confirm that all license violations have been fixed.

Missing License Check

Although Apache Causeway has no dependencies on artifacts with incompatible licenses, the POMs for some of these dependencies (in the Maven central repo) do not necessarily contain the required license information. Without appropriate additional configuration, this would result in the generated DEPENDENCIES file and generated Maven site indicating dependencies as having "unknown" licenses.

Fortunately, Maven allows the missing information to be provided by configuring the maven-remote-resources-plugin. This is stored in the src/main/appended-resources/supplemental-models.xml file, relative to the root of each releasable module.

pushd bom
mvnd -Dgithub clean install -T1C -DskipTests (1)
mvnd -Dgithub license:download-licenses      (2)
groovy scripts/checkmissinglicenses.groovy  (3)
1 builds the framework.

It’s necessary to have built the framework locally at least once (ok to skip tests).

The -Dgithub activates the "github" profile which references the exact same <module>s as the official "apache-release" profile.

2 Captures the missing license information.

The Maven plugin creates a license.xml file in the target/generated-resources directory of each module.

3 Reports on the missing license information

The script searches for these licenses.xml files, and compares them against the contents of the supplemental-models.xml file.

For example, the output could be something like:

licenses to add to supplemental-models.xml:

[org.slf4j, slf4j-api, 1.5.7]
[org.codehaus.groovy, groovy-all, 1.7.2]

licenses to remove from supplemental-models.xml (are spurious):

[org.slf4j, slf4j-api, 1.5.2]

If any missing entries are listed or are spurious, then update supplemental-models.xml and try again.

Reconcile causeway-bom pom

The bom/pom.xml is a customisation of the org.apache:apache pom, with each section of customisation clearly identified.

Check to see if there has been a new version of org.apache:apache; if so, merge in the changes.

Update and preview website

The next step is to generate the website, ensuring that the config, examples, projdoc (system overview and global index) are all updated.

  • Make sure doc-tooling is set up, as per these procedures

  • Then, generate the website:

    this now runs mvnd clean install -pl core/config automatically.

Check for any AsciiDoc errors, and fix. Also double-check that the config property files are correctly formatted.

Releasing the Framework

Set environment variables

We use environment variables to parameterize as many of the steps as possible. For example:

export CAUSEWAYJIRA=CAUSEWAY-9999                           (1)
export CAUSEWAYTMP=/c/tmp                               (2)
export CAUSEWAYREL={page-causewayrelv3}                             (3)
export CAUSEWAYRC=RC1                                   (4)
export CAUSEWAYART=causeway
env | grep CAUSEWAY | sort
1 set to an "umbrella" ticket for all release activities. (One should exist already, created at the beginning of the development cycle now completing).
2 adjust by platform
3 adjust as required
4 adjust as necessary if this is not the first attempt to release

The branch name is intentionally not the same as the eventual tag names (eg causeway-{page-causewayrelv3}).

Commit changes

Commit any changes from the preceding steps:

git add ..
git commit -m "$CAUSEWAYJIRA: updates to pom.xml etc for release"

Create a release branch

The release is performed on a branch; if we are successful, this branch will be merged back into master. We also recommend creating a separate git worktree to capture any documentation fixes that you might notice along the way.

  • create and checkout a release branch for the version number being released; eg:

    git checkout -b $CAUSEWAYBRANCH
  • Push the branch:

    git push origin $CAUSEWAYBRANCH -u

Update the project build timestamp

For reproducibility, the property must be updated to a hard-coded value.

Locate this property in bom/pom.xml and update to the current date/time.

Switch to the bom directory

The remainder of the release process is performed from the context of the bom directory:

cd bom

Bump projects to $CAUSEWAYREL

We use mvnd versions:set to manually bump the release version. (After release, there is a similar step at the end to reset back to a -SNAPSHOT version).

(Still in the bom directory), the steps are:

  • First we bump the framework’s pom.xml files:

    mvnd versions:set -DnewVersion=$CAUSEWAYREL
  • next we build the framework so that these versioned pom.xml files are available for the next step:

    mvnd install -o -DskipTests -T1C -Dgithub

    The -Dgithub property activates the "github" profile that references all modules to be released.

  • next we also update the starters (as used by applications built using the framework):

    pushd ../starters
    mvnd versions:set -DnewVersion=$CAUSEWAYREL
    mvnd install -DskipTests -o
  • finally we commit the changes:

    git add ..
    git commit -m "$CAUSEWAYJIRA: bumps version to $CAUSEWAYREL"

Sanity check

Perform one last sanity check on the codebase. Delete all Causeway artifacts from your local Maven repo, then build using the -o offline flag.

Still in the bom directory:

rm -rf ~/.m2/repository/org/apache/causeway
mvnd clean install -o -T1C -Dgithub
git clean -dfx ..


Since the <version> has already been updated, we just use mvnd deploy to upload the artifacts. We activate the (inherited) apache-release profile to bring in the gpg plugin for code signing.


The release signs the artifacts, but is configured to use gpg v2.0, rather than v2.1+. This older version of gpg picks up the secret keys from pubring.gpg and secring.gpg, and does not use an agent. (The newer version — that we don’t use — uses pubring.pbx, and does use an agent).

To setup the gpg certificates on Windows, we require the particular version of gnupg:

  • install the correct version of choco:

    choco install gnupg -version 2.3.7

    so that

    gpg --version


    gpg (GnuPG) 2.0.30 (Gpg4win 2.3.4)
    Home: C:/Users/xxx/AppData/Roaming/gnupg
    Compression: Uncompressed, ZIP, ZLIB, BZIP2
  • ensure your public key is installed in pubring.gpg.

    For example:

    gpg --list-keys


    pub   4096R/77AD2E23 2011-02-01
    uid       [ultimate] Dan Haywood (CODE SIGNING KEY) <>
  • ensure your secret key is installed in secring.gpg

    For example:

    gpg --list-secret-keys


    sec   4096R/77AD2E23 2011-02-01
    uid                  Dan Haywood (CODE SIGNING KEY) <>
  • If on Windows and you intend to perform the release using git-bash rather than powershell, then make sure that the version of gpg on the $PATH is correct.

    On Windows, you need to be careful using git-bash as this will pick up git’s version of gpg in /usr/bin, which is gpg v2.1.

    One easy way to do this is just rename /usr/bin/gpg to /usr/bin/MOVED-gpg, restart the shell, and then confirm that gpg is now Windows' gnupg installation:

    dan@halxps15-2022 MINGW64 /c/gitlab/hal-dsp/deliverables (master)
    $ gpg --version
    gpg (GnuPG) 2.0.30 (Gpg4win 2.3.4)
  • in ~/m2/settings.xml, ensure that the gpg.passphrase server is set:


Perform the deploy

The build creates a zip of the directory, so before executing the release we remove any other files.

Still in the bom directory, we deploy (upload the artifacts) using:

mvn deploy -Dapache-release -Dgit

Tag the Release

Finally, tag the release:


Check/Close Staging Repo

The mvn deploy commands will have uploaded all the release artifacts into a newly created staging repository on the ASF Nexus repository server.

Log onto (using your ASF LDAP account):

nexus staging 0

And then check that the release has been staged (select staging repositories from left-hand side):

nexus staging 1

If nothing appears in a staging repo you should stop here and work out why.

Assuming that the repo has been populated, make a note of its repo id; this is needed for the voting thread. In the screenshot above the id is org.apache.causeway-008.

After checking that the staging repository contains the artifacts that you expect you should close the staging repository. This will make it available so that people can check the release.

Press the Close button and complete the dialog:

nexus staging 2

Nexus should start the process of closing the repository.

nexus staging 2a

All being well, the close should (eventually) complete successfully (keep hitting refresh):

nexus staging 3

The Nexus repository manager will also email you with confirmation of a successful close.

If Nexus has problems with the key signature, however, then the close will be aborted:

nexus staging 4

Use gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys nnnnnnnn to confirm that the key is available.

Unfortunately, Nexus does not seem to allow subkeys to be used for signing. See Key Generation for more details.

Reset revision property

At the beginning of the release process we bumped the version to the release version, ie $CAUSEWAYREL. With the release now deployed we now need to reset the revision back down to the base snapshot, ie 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT.

Therefore, still in the bom directory:

mvnd versions:set -DnewVersion=2.0.0-SNAPSHOT
mvnd install -DskipTests -o -T1C -Dgithub

pushd ../starters
mvnd versions:set -DnewVersion=2.0.0-SNAPSHOT
mvnd install -DskipTests -o

git add ..
git commit -m "$CAUSEWAYJIRA: resetting version"

Push branch & tag

Push the release branch to origin:

git push -u origin $CAUSEWAYBRANCH

and also push tag:

git push origin refs/tags/causeway-$CAUSEWAYREL:refs/tags/causeway-$CAUSEWAYREL-$CAUSEWAYRC
git fetch

The remote tags aren’t visible locally but can be seen online.

Update starter apps

For each of the two starter apps, we maintain (currently) eight branches:

  • v2-jpa and v2-jdo ; and also v3-jpa and v3-jdo

    These are intended to reference the most recently released version, the first demonstrating persistence using JDO, the second using JPA. These are the branches referenced from the home page and getting started pages of the website.

  • v2-jpa-SNAPSHOT and v2-jdo-SNAPSHOT ; and also v3-jpa-SNAPSHOT and v3-jdo-SNAPSHOT

    These reference the most current snapshot nightly build.

The general idea is that a release will fast-forward v{2,3}-jpa to v{2,3}-jpa-SNAPSHOT and similarly moves v{2,3}-jdo up to v{2,3}-jdo-SNAPSHOT, bumping to the newly released version of the framework in the process. This is done for all current vN branches.

In order that we don’t break the starter apps while a release is being voted on, we do the changes in work branches, $CAUSEWAYBRANCH-jpa and $CAUSEWAYBRANCH-jdo.


For helloworld, we create a release branch for both variants:

  • for v3-jpa:

    • Checkout the branch, bump versions, and commit:

      git checkout v3-jpa-SNAPSHOT    # or: git checkout v2-jpa-SNAPSHOT
      git pull --ff-only
      git checkout -b $CAUSEWAYBRANCH-jpa
      mvnd versions:update-parent -DparentVersion=[$CAUSEWAYREL,$CAUSEWAYREL] -Dskip.nightly  (1)
      mvnd versions:set -DnewVersion=$CAUSEWAYREL
      git add .
      git commit -m "$CAUSEWAYJIRA - updates to $CAUSEWAYREL (jpa)"
      1 the top-level pom.xml references the ASF staging repository, so this will pull down the release if not already present in ~/.m2/repository.
    • Test the app

      mvnd clean install
      mvnd spring-boot:run
    • Make any additional changes that might be required (eg update to menubars.layout.xml) commit and retest

    • Push the branch to origin:

      git push -u origin $CAUSEWAYBRANCH-jpa
  • for jdo:

    • Checkout the branch, bump versions, and commit:

      git checkout v3-jdo-SNAPSHOT    # or: git checkout v2-jdo-SNAPSHOT
      git pull --ff-only
      git checkout -b $CAUSEWAYBRANCH-jdo
      mvnd versions:update-parent -DparentVersion=[$CAUSEWAYREL,$CAUSEWAYREL] -Dskip.nightly
      mvnd versions:set -DnewVersion=$CAUSEWAYREL
      git add .
      git commit -m "$CAUSEWAYJIRA - updates to $CAUSEWAYREL (jdo)"
    • Test the app

      mvnd clean install
      mvnd spring-boot:run
    • Make any additional changes that might be required, and re-test.

      This might be easiest to just cherry-pick commits made on the v3-jpa branch.

    • Merge in the v3-jpa branch, discarding any conflicts.

      git merge $CAUSEWAYBRANCH-jpa --no-commit

      The idea here is to show equivalence between the two branches. The merge commit should end up with no changes:

      git commit -m "$CAUSEWAYJIRA - merge in jpa"
    • Push the branch to origin:

      git push -u origin $CAUSEWAYBRANCH-jdo


For simple app, the steps are almost the same:

  • for jpa:

    • Checkout the branch, bump versions, and commit:

      git checkout v3-jpa-SNAPSHOT    # or: git checkout v2-jpa-SNAPSHOT
      git pull --ff-only
      git checkout -b $CAUSEWAYBRANCH-jpa
      mvnd versions:update-parent -DparentVersion=[$CAUSEWAYREL,$CAUSEWAYREL] -Dskip.nightly  (1)
      mvnd versions:set -DnewVersion=$CAUSEWAYREL
      git add .
      git commit -m "$CAUSEWAYJIRA - updates to $CAUSEWAYREL (jpa)"
      1 the top-level pom.xml references the ASF staging repository, so this will pull down the release if not already present in ~/.m2/repository.
    • Test the app

      mvnd clean install
      mvnd -pl webapp spring-boot:run
    • Make any additional changes that might be required (eg update to menubars.layout.xml) commit and retest

    • Push the branch to origin:

      git push -u origin $CAUSEWAYBRANCH-jpa
  • for jdo:

    • Checkout the branch, bump versions, and commit:

      git checkout v3-jdo-SNAPSHOT    # or: git checkout v2-jdo-SNAPSHOT
      git pull --ff-only
      git checkout -b $CAUSEWAYBRANCH-jdo
      mvnd versions:update-parent -DparentVersion=[$CAUSEWAYREL,$CAUSEWAYREL] -Dskip.nightly
      mvnd versions:set -DnewVersion=$CAUSEWAYREL
      git add .
      git commit -m "$CAUSEWAYJIRA - updates to $CAUSEWAYREL (jdo)"
    • Test the app

      mvnd clean install
      mvnd -pl webapp spring-boot:run
    • Make any additional changes that might be required, and re-test.

      This might be easiest to just cherry-pick commits made on the jpa branch.

    • Merge in the jpa branch, discarding any conflicts.

      git merge $CAUSEWAYBRANCH-jpa --no-commit

      The idea here is to show equivalence between the two branches. The merge commit should end up with no changes:

      git commit -m "$CAUSEWAYJIRA - merge in jpa"
    • Push the branch to origin:

      git push -u origin $CAUSEWAYBRANCH-jdo

Preview website

We also prepare a preview of the next version of the website, then made accessible from

  • Prerequisites:

    • clone the repo, alongside the causeway repo:

      git clone ../causeway-site
    • in the causeway-site repo, check out the asf-staging branch:

      cd ../causeway-site
      git checkout asf-staging
      git pull --ff-only
  • still in the causeway-site repo, delete all the files in content/ except for the schema and versions directories:

    pushd content
    for a in $(ls -1 | grep -v schema | grep -v versions)
        rm -rf $a
  • Back in the causeway repo, generate the Antora site (from the top-level directory).

    cd ../causeway
    sh -AB
  • Copy the generated Antora site to causeway-site repo’s contents directory:

    cp -Rf antora/target/site/* ../causeway-site/content/.
  • Back in the causeway-site repo, commit the changes and preview:

    cd ../causeway-site
    git add .
    git commit -m "$CAUSEWAYJIRA : staging changes to website"
  • If happy, then push the changes:

    git push origin asf-staging -u

Wait a minute or two; the site should be available at (nb: 'staged', not 'staging').


Once the artifacts have been uploaded, you can call a vote.

In all cases, votes last for 72 hours and require a +3 (binding) vote from members.

Start voting thread on dev mailing list

The following boilerplate is for a release of the Apache Causeway Core. Adapt as required:

Use the following subject, eg:

[VOTE] Apache Causeway Core release {page-causewayrelv3} RC1

And use the following body:

I've just cut a new release of the Apache Causeway Framework.

The source code zip artifact has been uploaded to a staging repository on, along with its corresponding .asc signature.

In the source code repo the code has been tagged as causeway-{page-causewayrelv3}-RC1;

To verify the source code itself, you can use the following commands
(in an empty directory):


curl > /tmp/KEYS
gpg --import /tmp/KEYS

rm -rf causeway-$VERSION

curl -O -L$VERSION-$RC/scripts/

chmod +x ./

You can then test the helloworld or simpleapp starter apps, see:

You can also inspect the website in general, available at:

Please verify the release and cast your vote.
The vote will be open for a minimum of 72 hours.

[ ] +1
[ ]  0
[ ] -1

Remember to update:

  • the version number ({page-causewayrelv3} or whatever)

  • the release candidate number (RC1 or whatever)

  • the NEXUSREPONUM to the repository id as provided by Nexus earlier (11xx or whatever)

Note that the email also references the procedure for other committers to verify the release.