Title Cache

The Titlecache extension module provides a simple way to cache titles of entities for a configurable duration. This can speed up the rendering time of data-heavy objects.

The current implementation uses the Caffeine caching library.

Dependency Management



For the module of every entity whose title you want to cache, add the following dependency:


And, in the webapp module of your application, add the following dependency:



In your application’s AppManifest (top-level Spring @Configuration used to bootstrap the app), import the CausewayModuleExtTitlecacheCaffeine module.

public class AppManifest {


For each entity class whose title is to be cached, create a subclass of TitleUiEvent that also implements the Cached marker interface, and mark it as the event class fpr @DomainObjectLayout#titleUiEvent:

    titleUiEvent = Customer.TitleUiEvent.class
public class Customer /*...*/ {

    public static class TitleUiEvent extends CausewayModuleApplib.TitleUiEvent<SimpleObject> implements Cached { }

    // ...

The titles of these entities will be cached according to the default configuration.

Or, for more control on an given entity, implement the CachedWithCacheSettings interface:

    titleUiEvent = Customer.TitleUiEvent.class
public class Customer /*...*/ {

    public static class TitleUiEvent extends CausewayModuleApplib.TitleUiEvent<SimpleObject> implements CachedWithCacheSettings {
        @Override public int expiryDurationInMinutes() { return 1;}
        @Override public int maxSizeInEntries() {return 50;}

    // ...