Setting up with Shiro

This section describes how to set up and configure SecMan as an Authorizor, with framework’s Shiro integration being used as the Authenticator.

The primary use case this enables is for authentication to be performed through an external mechanism, for example LDAP. This is implemented through the SecMan’s shiro realm submodule, which provides an implementation of Apache Shiro’s Realm interface that then calls back into SecMan.

Local Authentication

The diagram below sketches the high-level architecture:

SecMan with Shiro local authentication

secman shiro architecture.drawio


  • Apache Causeway' Shiro security integration sets up Shiro web filters to intercept every http request, as well as the AuthenticatorShiro implementation.

  • The AuthenticatorShiro calls to the Shiro Security Manager to obtain the authenticated principal.

  • The Shiro Security Manager uses the shiro.ini configuration file to look up the realm to perform the authentication; in this case we configure it to use Secman’s realm (CausewayModuleExtSecmanShiroRealm).

  • Secman’s realm implementation queries the database and uses this to create an instance of PrincipalForApplicationUser, where the Principal interface is Shiro’s representation of an authenticated user. The PrincipalForApplicationUser is backed by ApplicationUser, which all of the permissions to object members for this particular user.

  • to render a page, the Apache Causeway viewer uses configured Authorizor, in this case Secman’s own AuthorizorSecman. This looks up the current ApplicationUser (which will already reside in-memory) and renders the page according to which object members are visible or not.

The above configuration allows Secman to be used to authenticate users; the password is stored as an (typically) encrypted property of the ApplicationUser. These are called "local" users, as per the ApplicationUser's accountType property.

Delegate Authentication

Local authentication - as described in the previous section - does not actually accomplish much; although Shiro’s Authenticator implementation is in use, since the Shiro Realm just queries the SecMan database, there is no real difference from simply using SecMan’s own Authenticator implementation.

Where things become more interesting and useful is that Secman’s Realm implementation also allows an alternative "delegate" realm (eg LDAP) to be queried. In such cases Shiro can obtain authentication of "delegated" users is performed by the delegate realm rather than locally.

The diagram below shows where this delegation occurs:

SecMan with Shiro delegate authentication

secman shiro delegate architecture.drawio

When a delegate realm is configured, an ApplicationUser entity can be automatically created in the SecMan database for an external user. Secman can be configured so that these users are either locked or unlocked by default, as required, see below.


In addition to the regular dependencies required by Secman, also add in Secman’s Shiro Realm implementation:

        <artifactId>causeway-extensions-secman-persistence-XXX</artifactId> (1)
        <artifactId>causeway-extensions-secman-encryption-jbcrypt</artifactId> (2)
1 specify either causeway-extensions-secman-persistence-jpa or causeway-extensions-secman-persistence-jdo, as required
2 provides an implementation of PasswordEncryptionService

Update AppManifest

In addition to the other modules that Secman requires to be added to your application’s AppManifest, also add: You will also need to import the fixture module; SecMan uses fixture scripts to seed its entities:
        CausewayModuleExtSecmanRealmShiro.class,    (1)
public class AppManifest {
1 enables Shiro integration (so that Shiro delegates to Secman for authentication).

This brings in a transitive dependency on the CausewayModuleSecurityShiro module.

Ensure that no other CausewayModuleSecurityXxx module is imported into the AppManifest.

Shiro (Delegate) Realm

SecMan’s Shiro realm is configured using the shiro.ini file. The following sets up Shiro without delegation:



securityManager.authenticator.authenticationStrategy = $authenticationStrategy
securityManager.realms = $causewayModuleSecurityRealm


The [users] and [roles] sections are required but are unused.

The main point of introducing Shiro though is to introduce support for authentication by external mechanisms such as LDAP. In this case we configure Shiro to use the external realm as the primary realm, with Secman’s Shiro realm set up as a "delegate" realm. We specify the delegate realm implementation in the shiro.ini file, and "inject" it into the Secman realm.

For example, to use Shiro’s LDAP Realm as a delegate:


contextFactory = org.apache.shiro.realm.ldap.JndiLdapContextFactory (1)
contextFactory.url = ldap://localhost:10389                         (2)
contextFactory.systemUsername = uid=admin,ou=system
contextFactory.systemPassword = secret
contextFactory.authenticationMechanism = CRAM-MD5

ldapRealm = org.apache.shiro.realm.ldap.DefaultLdapRealm            (3)
ldapRealm.contextFactory = $contextFactory

causewayModuleSecurityRealm.delegateAuthenticationRealm=$ldapRealm  (4)

1 instantiate a JNDI LDAP context …​
2 ... configured with credentials to query users
3 instantiate the LDAP realm
4 specify the LDAP realm as the delegate realm for SecMan’s own realm.

The users should then be defined in the LDAP server appropriately. For example, if using ApacheDS server:

  • the users are stored under the SASL searchBaseDn attribute

    for ApacheDS 1.5.7 this can be found in the server.xml file):

  • and can be defined as an inetOrgPerson with the uid and userPassword defining the credentials:

    060 create inetOrgPerson

With this configuration, the user/password is defined in LDAP, while their users permissions are taken from their user/group/perms defined in SecMan.

A simpler LDAP configuration

In fact, it’s also possible to simplify matters by just configuring Shiro to use LDAP realm, and not define a secman realm at all.

For example:


contextFactory = org.apache.shiro.realm.ldap.JndiLdapContextFactory
contextFactory.url = ldap://localhost:10389
contextFactory.systemUsername = uid=admin,ou=system
contextFactory.systemPassword = secret
contextFactory.authenticationMechanism = CRAM-MD5

ldapRealm = org.apache.shiro.realm.ldap.DefaultLdapRealm

ldapRealm.contextFactory = $contextFactory

securityManager.realms = $ldapRealm

Although simpler, the key difference with this approach is that will not auto-create ApplicationUsers within secman; they must be created by some separate means. If there is an entry in LDAP, but none in secman, then the end-user will be able to "login" but will have access to no features.

Configuration Properties

As mentioned in the introduction, if delegate authentication has been set up, this means that authentication may pass for a user that Secman knows nothing about. In this case Secman will automatically create an ApplicationUser for this externally delegated authenticated user, with the type set to "DELEGATED".

We can configure whether such automatically created accounts should be unlocked or locked by default:

        auto-create-policy: AUTO_CREATE_AS_LOCKED