
Utilities for text processing and text I/O.


class TextUtils {
  Stream<String> streamLines(String text)     (1)
  Can<String> readLines(String text)     (2)
  Can<String> readLinesFromInputStream(InputStream input, Charset charset)     (3)
  Can<String> readLinesFromResource(Class<?> resourceLocation, String resourceName, Charset charset)     (4)
  Can<String> readLinesFromUrl(URL url, Charset charset)     (5)
  Can<String> readLinesFromFile(File file, Charset charset)     (6)
  Can<String> readLinesFromDataSource(DataSource dataSource, Charset charset)     (7)
  void writeLinesToFile(Iterable<String> lines, File file, Charset charset)     (8)
  void writeLinesToDataSink(Iterable<String> lines, DataSink dataSink, Charset charset)     (9)
  StringDelimiter delimiter(String delimiter)
  StringCutter cutter(String value)
1 streamLines(String)

Converts given text into a Stream of lines, removing new line characters \n,\r in the process.

2 readLines(String)

Converts given text into a Can of lines, removing new line characters \n,\r in the process.

3 readLinesFromInputStream(InputStream, Charset)

Reads content from given input into a Can of lines, removing new line characters \n,\r and BOM file header (if any) in the process.

4 readLinesFromResource(Class, String, Charset)

Reads content from given resource into a Can of lines, removing new line characters \n,\r and BOM file header (if any) in the process.

5 readLinesFromUrl(URL, Charset)

Reads content from given URL into a Can of lines, removing new line characters \n,\r and BOM file header (if any) in the process.

6 readLinesFromFile(File, Charset)

Reads content from given File into a Can of lines, removing new line characters \n,\r and BOM file header (if any) in the process.

7 readLinesFromDataSource(DataSource, Charset)

Reads content from given DataSource into a Can of lines, removing new line characters \n,\r and BOM file header (if any) in the process.

8 writeLinesToFile(Iterable, File, Charset)

Writes given lines to given File , using new line character \n .

9 writeLinesToDataSink(Iterable, DataSink, Charset)

Writes given lines to given DataSink , using new line character \n .



Converts given text into a Stream of lines, removing new line characters \n,\r in the process.


Converts given text into a Can of lines, removing new line characters \n,\r in the process.

readLinesFromInputStream(InputStream, Charset)

Reads content from given input into a Can of lines, removing new line characters \n,\r and BOM file header (if any) in the process.

readLinesFromResource(Class, String, Charset)

Reads content from given resource into a Can of lines, removing new line characters \n,\r and BOM file header (if any) in the process.

readLinesFromUrl(URL, Charset)

Reads content from given URL into a Can of lines, removing new line characters \n,\r and BOM file header (if any) in the process.

readLinesFromFile(File, Charset)

Reads content from given File into a Can of lines, removing new line characters \n,\r and BOM file header (if any) in the process.

readLinesFromDataSource(DataSource, Charset)

Reads content from given DataSource into a Can of lines, removing new line characters \n,\r and BOM file header (if any) in the process.

writeLinesToFile(Iterable, File, Charset)

Writes given lines to given File , using new line character \n .

writeLinesToDataSink(Iterable, DataSink, Charset)

Writes given lines to given DataSink , using new line character \n .