
Part of the Publishing SPI . A component to receive notifaction that a domain object or a standalone list of domain objects has been rendered.

interface PageRenderSubscriber {
  void onRendering(PageType pageType)     (1)
  void onRenderingDomainObject(Bookmark bookmark)     (2)
  void onRenderingCollection(Supplier<List<Bookmark>> bookmarkSupplier)     (3)
  void onRenderingValue(Object value)     (4)
  void onRenderedDomainObject(Bookmark bookmark)     (5)
  void onRenderedCollection(Supplier<List<Bookmark>> bookmarkSupplier)     (6)
  void onRenderedValue(Object value)     (7)
1 onRendering(PageType)

Called just before the rendering process starts.However, if PageType#OTHER , then NO onRenderedXxx method will be called.

2 onRenderingDomainObject(Bookmark)

Indicates that the domain object represented by the Bookmark is about to be rendered.

3 onRenderingCollection(Supplier)

Indicates that a standalone list of domain objects (each represented by a Bookmark is about to be rendered.

4 onRenderingValue(Object)

Indicates that a value is about to be rendered.

5 onRenderedDomainObject(Bookmark)

Indicates that the domain object represented by the Bookmark has been rendered.

6 onRenderedCollection(Supplier)

Indicates that a standalone list of domain objects (each represented by a Bookmark has been rendered.

7 onRenderedValue(Object)

Indicates that a value has been rendered.



Called just before the rendering process starts.However, if PageType#OTHER , then NO onRenderedXxx method will be called.

Determines which of the onRenderedXxx callbacks (if any) will next be called:

  • if PageType#DOMAIN_OBJECT , then will call #onRenderingDomainObject(Bookmark) next, and afterwards #onRenderedDomainObject(Bookmark) next

  • if PageType#COLLECTION , then will call #onRenderedCollection(Supplier) next

  • if PageType#VALUE , then will call #onRenderedValue(Object) next

Also, if any of the pages fail to render (eg due to an authorization exception), then - again - NO onRenderedXxx method will be called

Implementations could use this to start a stopwatch, for example, or to reset caches.


Indicates that the domain object represented by the Bookmark is about to be rendered.


Indicates that a standalone list of domain objects (each represented by a Bookmark is about to be rendered.


Indicates that a value is about to be rendered.


Indicates that the domain object represented by the Bookmark has been rendered.


Indicates that a standalone list of domain objects (each represented by a Bookmark has been rendered.


Indicates that a value has been rendered.