Reference App

The reference app (previously called the 'demo app') provides an introduction to the Apache Causeway programming model, allowing you to learn the basics with a minimum of hassle. It’s also a useful reference to help you develop your own Apache Causeway applications.

teaser light

The application is packaged up as a Docker image (apache/causeway-app-demo-jpa or apache/causeway-app-demo-jdo) on Docker Hub, so you can easily run it yourself (as described below).


Head over to Docker to install the community edition.

Running the Docker Image

Assuming the jpa variant (if using jdo, just substitute "jpa" with "jdo" in the commands below):

  • Pull and run the Docker Image

    docker pull apache/causeway-app-demo-jpa:latest
    docker run --name demo -d -p8080:8080 apache/causeway-app-demo-jpa:latest

    The app can then be accessed at http://localhost:8080/wicket/. Login with sven:pass.

  • Stop and remove the container named demo

    docker stop demo && docker rm demo


The way in which the app is run by Docker be customised in a couple of ways. Assuming the jpa variant (if using jdo, just substitute "jpa" with "jdo" in the commands below):

  • Prototyping mode

    docker run --name demo -d -p8080:8080 -ePROTOTYPING=true apache/causeway-app-demo-jpa:latest
  • Specify a different context Path

    docker run -d -p8080:8080 -eContextPath=/myPath apache/causeway-app-demo-jpa:latest

Building from Source

The source code for the reference app is on github, at apache/causeway-app-referenceapp.
